Davey Drive, Hollingdean, Brighton BN17BF

St Joseph's Catholic Primary, Brighton

Educating in Faith, Hope and Love

St George's Class - 2024-2025


The Year 3 Team (St George's Class) are Mrs Azor-Day, Mrs Klimaytys and Miss Day

Welcome to St George's Class page.

Our topic for the Autumn Term is...


Please click HERE to look at our topic overview, explaining what we will be learning about this term in St George's class.

Our Stunning Start for this topic was a fun day of Stone Age-based activities where we all wore colours of the Stone Age or dressed up as a Stone Age person.

We created Stone Age bowls out of modelling clay! We built our own cave out of branches and leaves and constructed traditional tools out of paper! A few children even brought in a Stone Age artefact for us to see, such as tools!



Some creative and fun activities (that will earn you DOJO's!!) to do with our topic for this half term can be found HERE.

Class Information

AC Prep PE on Twitter: "Still time to sign up for our AC 'Back to School'  Sports Camps next week (Mon-Wed). Sign up here - https://t.co/FwmzYFlPJL…  https://t.co/xcBcJ766vz"


Year 3's PE days will be on Wednesday's and Friday's. Wednesday will be with our PE Specialist Miss Pippa, and Friday will be with Miss Azor the class teacher.


Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school at all times - black shorts (black tracksuit bottoms when it turns colder), a green St Joseph's t-shirt and trainers or plimsolls.


Please encourage your child to read as often as possible (ideally at least four times a week at home). This can be by themselves, to a family member or to a sibling - and children, please remember to record it in the reading record books.

Their reading book, reading record and folder must be in school every day and taken home at night. Each child will receive dojo's for bringing this into school each day. 



Homework will be set on a Thursday and is due back in on a Tuesday. This will include spellings and times tables. 

Times tables and spelling's will be tested on each week.



Thank you parents and carers! We really do appreciate your support.

Dear children, parents and carers,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you and your child to St George's Class and to a new school year. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning. I look forward to meeting you all and getting to know you better over the coming year.

Mrs Azor-Day