Our focus for the AUTUMN term is:
This autumn term, our sustainability focus is all about water! In a special introductory assembly, the children learnt why water is such a precious resource, from its role in sustaining life to how it impacts our environment. They also began exploring simple steps they can take to help protect and conserve water in their daily lives; from turning off taps to reusing water thoughtfully.
The children are excited to make a difference and many have already responded to this term's pledge to take action. If you would like to help us in this mission (and earn yourself some Dojos!) you can download a copy of this term's pledge here. Please feel free to conduct research and respond in your own way if you want to go beyond the suggestions on the pledge form.
A reminder that you will be given a raffle ticket for any work that you do at home that supports our mission of becoming more sustainable. Raffle tickets put you in with a chance of winning a sustainability-themed prize at the end of the autumn term! The more raffle tickets you earn, the better your chances!
Outdoor Learning Schedule and
Themes for 2024-2025
“If we want children to flourish, to become truly empowered, then let us allow them to love the earth before we ask them to save it.” – David Sobel
Outdoor Learning continues to be an integral part of our provision here at St Joseph's. Please see the document below for our schedule and themes for the current academic year. Your child's teacher will be in touch to let you know the exact date that Outdoor Learning will take place.
Our focus for the SPRING term is:
During their eco-themed assembly just before half term, the children learnt about fossil fuels and the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy. They were encouraged to save energy and make a pledge to choose reading over electrical devices as much as possible between now and the Easter holidays. If they would like to join in, they are to note down how long they read for on the back of the pledge form and then bring it in just before the Easter holidays so we can work out (and celebrate!) how much energy they have collectively saved.
If you would like to download a copy of the pledge form, please click here. We would love it if parents and carers joined us in this mission!
Our City, Our World Launch Day!
Today was a very exciting day in school as we launched the 'Our City, Our World' initiative with our pupils. 'Our City, Our World' is Brighton and Hove’s Climate Change, Sustainability and Environmental Education Programme. It is one of several council-led projects that aim to help the city to become more environmentally friendly.
For us as a school, it is a chance to become more sustainable and teach pupils about environmental issues. We hope to empower children to make small changes that can collectively have a big impact.
In line with our school ethos, we are leading the project with a strong sense of HOPE and the belief that together we can help to create a brighter future for all.
To celebrate the launch of the project, the pupils came to school wearing blue and green to represent our planet. They took part in eco-themed activities in their classes and then came together for a special assembly where they shared what they had been doing with parents, carers and the rest of the school. The children began thinking more about the environment and the corridors were alive with conversations about what we can do to help our planet - a great sign of what's to come!
Outdoor Learning Schedule and
Themes for 2023-2024
"No one will protect what they don't care about, and no one will care about what they have never experienced." - David Attenborough
At St Joseph's, we believe that in order to gain an appreciation of the natural world and feel passionate about protecting it, children need to experience it for themselves. Our regular outdoor learning days help us to provide children with opportunities to enjoy and understand nature whilst also benefitting from the positive affect that being outdoors can have on their physical and mental wellbeing.
Please see below for an overview of outdoor learning themes for this academic year. Please be advised that the week that your child's year group participates in outdoor learning is subject to change as a result of educational events that are not yet confirmed at this point of the year. Class teachers will let parents and carers know an exact date at least one week in advance.
On outdoor learning days, children are to come to school wearing clothing suitable for getting muddy! Please also consider the weather conditions that day and provide a waterproof jacket/sun hat/sunscreen/extra layers etc. as appropriate.