Davey Drive, Hollingdean, Brighton BN17BF

St Joseph's Catholic Primary, Brighton

Educating in Faith, Hope and Love

St Philip Howard Class: 2024 -2025

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       The Year 5 Team (St Philip Howard's Class) are Mrs Gilbert and Miss Rance 

Welcome to St Philip Howard's Class page.


The Great British Bake Off



We have finally perfected our gingerbread biscuits and decorated them.

Take a look at our wonderful creations that we thoroughly enjoyed evaluating!

Counting down the days


In RE, we have been learning about King David and his covenant with God. We learnt from the Gospel of Matthew that Jesus is, in fact, in the line of David and Abraham, which is why he is called 'King of Kings', as well as being God's son. We learnt about the Jesse tree, which is used to remind Christians around the world of the key figures that and events that lead up to the birth of Jesus Christ. 

We made a class Jesse tree and made our own individual ones, showing these key figures on each bauble. 




To prepare and raise money at the Christmas fayre, we used our DT learning of baking biscuits to bake and decorate some biscuits.

We raised just over £85 to be split with a charity of the class's choice and some treats for their Christmas party this year. 

Christmas is coming!



We launched into our active advent activities this week, starting with the advent run! We had a great time dancing and prancing around the playground dressed in our festive wears. 

Greek Pots



We have been investigating and researching the artefacts from ancient Greece. Using this research, we attempted to create our own pinch pots and then later designed them in the typical ancient Greek style. 

A surprise visit



In RE, we had a surprise visit by King David himself! We have been looking at David and why he was chosen to share a covenant with and become the future king. We imagined that David had landed in our current world and we set out podcasts to interview him and find out all about him!

Anti-bullying week



To launch back in to our learning, we celebrated anti-bullying week this week. We learnt about different types of bullying and explored how this may make someone feel. To show our unity against bullying, we created bracelets to wear. 

Outdoor Learning 


Despite the weather, we ventured outside and a phenomenal outdoor learning day! The focus for this outdoor learning day was: teamwork!

To begin, we played a few games that involved working as a team to complete a set of challenges. Through effective communication and strategies as a team, many of the challenges were achieved with great success. Some of these challenges were: to change places in a group without removing a connection or link and to get into certain groups and orders without speaking. 

Following this, we also continued our learning of theological and cardinal virtues. We created our own synonyms of the cardinal virtues and, using natural resources, create a nature paint to generate each virtue's synonym gradient. Teams squashed leaves, berries, flowers and a variety of autumnal leaves to create their very own home-made nature paints! 
Finally, we explored our RE topic further by generating, as a team, a drama that portrayed an example of when these virtues are shown in our daily lives. 

French Directions


 In French, we learnt how to say directions such as 'turn left' and 'turn right'. We used this knowledge to then complete and outdoor challenge. As a class, we were able to navigate to different places by finding the correct number in French and then identifying whether it is giving instructions to turn right (right arm) or left (left arm). 


Moon's Movement



We learnt about the moon phases in science and how the movement of the moon, Earth and the sun's light can create the appearance of different shapes of the moon. We then showed and explained the phases using a yummy treat!


Jewish New Year


This week, we celebrated the Jewish New Year by trying the delicious combination of apple and honey together. We loved it!

Later in the week, we explored further into our book: the viewer. We learnt about how Tristan is plagued with darkness ever since he brought a box back from the dump, which contained a bronze viewer. Take a look at our interpretation of fear and darkness. 


Grandparent's week


We created our own stamps in art this week and later...


Used these stamps with our grandparent's and carers to generate our own prints relating to space!



After this, we created plates and bunting to be used in our cake sake for MacMillan the charity. 


The Viewer



What a week!

We started our new power of reading book this week, called 'The Viewer'. We learnt about our main character, Tristan, and the strange viewer he finds. It reveals strange pictures from the past, which we then tried to recreate in our own version of the viewer disks. 


Greece Lightning!



This week, year five launched their topic of Greece Lightning!

We learnt about different aspects of Greek culture, sampled Greek food and learnt about their history and beliefs, whilst listening to traditional Greek music. Using this knowledge, we created amazing Greek decorative plates, which look fantastic!


Learning Overview



This half term, Year 5's PE days will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school at all times - black shorts, a green St Joseph's t-shirt and trainers or plimsolls.
Year 5 children will also be doing the 'daily mile' on the other three days.


Please encourage your child to read as often as possible (ideally at least three times a week.) This can be by themselves, to a family member or to a sibling - and children, please remember to record it in the reading record books. These will be checked on a Monday. 



A paper copy of the spelling list for the first term will be sent home with your child. Children will be tested on a Wednesday each week. Spelling frame is an excellent website to support your child with spelling. Click HERE for a link to it. 



Please click  HERE to find out what our homework expectations are. Your child will receive homework of times tables and spellings. Times tables will be distributed and returned on Mondays. Spellings will be tested and distributed on Wednesday.  


Please make sure your child attends school in the correct school uniform. This includes plain black shoes or trainers. They also must be wearing a tie. 


Thank you parents and carers!

We really do appreciate your support.

A warm welcome to a new school year


 Dear children, parents and carers,


I am thrilled to be able to welcome you all back and am very excited to begin a new academic year together as the year five St. Philip Howard's class. I feel honoured to be your child's teacher this year and please be assured that I will do my very best to ensure they are safe and happy at all times. I look forward to seeing them flourish and getting to know them all. If you have any questions about your child's learning, please do not hesitate to catch me before or after school. Please check this web page regularly for updates from inside the classroom!


  I look forward to meeting you all and to a great year ahead!

 Mrs Gilbert