Davey Drive, Hollingdean, Brighton BN17BF

St Joseph's Catholic Primary, Brighton

Educating in Faith, Hope and Love

St Teresa's Class : 2024-2025



   The Year 6 Team (St Teresa's Class) are Mrs Parker, Mrs Greener and Miss Day

Welcome to St Teresa's Class page.

Dear All,

Year 6 will be having Outdoor Learning next Thursday 17th October. Please send your children in to school in old clothes instead of uniform - and a coat!!

Many thanks,

Year 6 Team


Year 6 have been learning French with Mrs Skinner on a Thursday afternoon. The lessons usually involve a practical activity or game where the children apply the knowledge they have learnt. 

So far this year, they have learnt how to tell the time on the hour and half hour, about the names of places around the school and about how French primary schools are different to St Joseph's.

Here are a few photos:


Dear Parents/Carers,

Please come to our Harvest Assembly on Tuesday 15th October at 9:00am.

We look forward to seeing you if you can make it.

Year 6 Team



Our Stunning Start for our Mexico topic will be on Thursday 12th September. This will include food tasting, so please let me/office know if your child has any allergies.

 Click  HERE  for this term's theme overview and coverage.


We had a fantastic Stunning start last Thursday about Mexico. Among other activities, the children enjoyed: food tasting, making Day of the Dead masks and a very exciting Pinjata game! 


Welcome to Year 6 

 Dear All,

I am delighted to be your new Year 6 teacher and welcome you all back to the new academic year. I look forward to all the exciting projects and hard work that Year 6 brings. I know we are all ready for a fresh start and I am keen to get to know you all. I look forward to meeting you and am readily available before or after school if you need to speak to me at any point.

This year will be a great opportunity for the class to lead on our new school behaviour code and to show other children what fantastic role models Year 6 pupils can be.   Please check this web page regularly for updates from inside the classroom! 

  I look forward to getting to know everyone and am sure we will have a successful year

 Mrs Parker


Learning Overview


This half term, Year 6's PE days will be on Tuesdays and Fridays. 
Please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school at all times - black shorts, a green St Joseph's t-shirt and trainers or plimsolls.

Please remember that earrings should only be small studs or sleepers and will need to be removed or covered with tape before lessons.

The children will also be doing the 'daily mile' on the other three days.


Please encourage your child to read as often as possible (ideally at least three times a week.) This can be by themselves, to a family member or to a sibling We will also have at least three independent reading sessions in a week as well as comprehension activities in class. 



A paper copy of the spelling list for the first term will be sent home with your child. Children will be tested on a Friday each week. Spelling frame is an excellent website to support your child with spelling. Click HERE for a link to it. 



Please click  HERE to find out what our homework expectations are. Your child will receive homework of mental arithmetic - in line with Year 6 SATs and Spelling and Grammar activities - in line with class work.  some children may be set some times tables work if it is felt that their class Maths work would benefit from extra practice. Homework will go out on a Wednesday and be expected back on the following Monday.


Please make sure your child attends school in the correct school uniform. This includes plain black shoes or trainers. They also must be wearing a tie and no jewellery (except for small studs or sleepers)

Thank you parents and carers! 

We appreciate your support.