Davey Drive, Hollingdean, Brighton BN17BF

St Joseph's Catholic Primary, Brighton

Educating in Faith, Hope and Love


St John the Baptist Class : 2024-2025


See the source image


The Year 4 Team (St John The Baptist's Class) are Miss Cross,  Miss Walker, Miss Taylor, Miss Lee              and Mrs Judd


Welcome to St John the Baptist's Class page.



Jungle GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY


I am Learning the Starting Points in the Design Process



In Friday's art lesson, the children became designers for the day! They learned that before starting a new creation, designers often make a 'moodboard' to organise their ideas. To prepare for an exciting project where they will design their own jungle-inspired fabric, the children created their very own moodboards. These moodboards featured colour swatches, fascinating patterns, various textures, and their own drawings inspired by detailed photographs of the jungle. It was a wonderful way to spark their creativity and plan their designs!



Baamboozle | The Most Fun Classroom Games!


The World's Kitchen 'Stunning Start'



Year 4 launched their new topic this afternoon by taking a journey around the globe through food! They were introduced to a variety of traditional dishes and produce from around the world with a multi-cultural tasting menu.

The class tried guacamole from Mexico, olives from the Mediterranean, salami from Germany, beef patty from Jamaica and feta from Greece (to name just a few examples!).

The children used globes to support discussion around where they thought each dish/ingredient may have originated.

What a delicious introduction to our Geography learning this term!


Please click here for a copy of this term's POWer Projects: a chance to earn Dojos and gain a deeper understanding of our new topic!



Flashing New Gif GIFs | Tenor



Happy New Year! We hope you had a lovely Christmas break. There are lots of exciting things lined up for the Spring term. Please click here for a brief summary of some of the learning that will be taking place in St John the Baptist class. 


Remarkable Animated Fall Nature Gifs at Best Animations



Sensing Nature



In Friday's outdoor learning session, the children engaged in activities that encouraged them to explore nature through their senses. They began by making careful observational drawings, focusing on the vibrant autumn colours. To experience nature in a new way, they worked in pairs, with one child blindfolded and the other guiding them through the outdoor environment. This activity encouraged them to rely on senses other than sight, heightening their awareness of sounds, smells, and textures. They also created "leaf kebabs" by skewering different leaves onto sticks, making a sort of journey map through the trees. The pairs then exchanged their kebabs and retraced each other's paths, examining the texture, shape, and tiny details of each leaf to recreate the journey. This hands-on activity not only sharpened their observational skills but also fostered teamwork, curiosity, and a deeper appreciation of the natural world around them.



Black History Month GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY



I am learning about important figures in Black History

October 2024


In celebration of Black History Month, the class focused on the inspiring life and art of Alma Woodsey Thomas, an influential African American artist and teacher. Known for her vibrant, abstract paintings and unique mosaic style, Thomas broke boundaries as the first African American woman to have a solo exhibition at the Whitney Museum in New York. To honour her contributions, the children created beautiful self-portraits using Thomas's distinctive collage style with bright, bold colours. They also crafted a thoughtful acrostic poem about her life and legacy, presenting their work proudly to the rest of the school in a special assembly celebrating Black History Month.


GIPHY Stickers — Jordan Kay


I am learning to work collaboratively to develop drawings into prints



The children had a fantastic time getting messy as they developed their drawings and collages created in previous art lessons into prints. They worked collaboratively – strengthening their teamwork and listening skills. They experimented with various different printing techniques to create pattern and contrast in their pieces. 


carolynnyoe | Book gif, Reading gif, Reading cartoon


I am learning to place key figures and artefacts from history on a timeline


For this history lesson, the pupils explored key events, artefacts, and significant figures from British history by using secondary sources, including books and the internet. They worked in small groups to research and gather information, which they then used to construct a detailed timeline. This activity helped them deepen their understanding of when the Roman Empire existed and how it fits within the broader context of British history. Through this task, the children developed critical thinking and research skills while gaining valuable insights into the past.


Free Grandparents Day Animations - Graphics




We celebrated Grandparents' Day by inviting grandparents and relatives in to join us for an art lesson! Inspired by the work of Henri Matisse, the children and our guests at the first session learnt how to 'draw with scissors'. They created wonderful collages which will later be used to inspire wax resist drawings.


Later in the day, we also enjoyed a lively game of musical bingo with several of the tunes causing the whole room to erupt into song! Thanks to all who joined us - it was lovely to share our learning with you.


Pin on Hasse


I am learning to work as part of a team



Today the children in Year 4 enjoyed their first Outdoor Learning day of the new school year, with the theme focused on teamwork. They began by learning key skills needed to collaborate effectively, which they then applied during a series of team-building exercises. As they completed each task, they earned credits for demonstrating good teamwork which were later exchanged for materials to construct a protective capsule for the ‘Egg Drop Challenge’. The day was a fantastic opportunity to strengthen relationships within St John the Baptist Class, reinforcing the idea that teamwork truly makes the dream work!



Quran On Lowest Land In Surah Rum - The Last Dialogue


I am learning the meaning of the words 'invade' and 'settle'



Today we launched our new topic, 'Roman Rule'. The class had a fantastic time in role as Roman soldiers tasked with building straight roads to various cities in order to invade and conquer them! Some of the children chose to dress up in Roman-themed costumes to help them get into the spirit of the event. The children had to collaborate with the other pupils in their group in order to plan and build the roads efficiently. Each time they reached the main city, they removed a cone from the floor to eventually reveal the title of our new topic! 

MA propiedades GIFs on GIPHY - Be Animated



You will be taught by Miss Walker on Mondays and Tuesday and Miss Cross on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.


Please be advised that Year 4's PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Children must have black plimsolls/trainers, a school T-shirt and plain black shorts. If your child has pierced ears, please ensure that earrings are removed on PE days or, alternatively, please provide your child with surgical tape to cover their jewellery. All kit should be labelled clearly and is to remain in school until the end of the half-term when it is returned home for washing. 



Homework is set on a Friday and is to be handed in the following Wednesday. Homework consists of a spelling worksheet and a times table worksheet. Children are also required to read at home every weekReading diaries help to keep track of the reading taking place at home and in school and are to go home and be brought back to school every dayReading diaries are checked along with the homework sheets every Wednesday.


Please try to read as much as possible at home with your child and keep their diary up to date. If they have evidence in their diary of having read at home three or more times that week, the children receive 10 Dojos! There are also rewards for children who remember to bring in their diary every day. Children who consistently keep up with their reading for the whole half term are rewarded with bonus Golden Time! So there's lots of incentives for the children to lose themselves in a good book (aside from it being enjoyable!).


Along with their usual weekly homework, children can further support their learning in class (and earn lots of Dojos!) by completing 'Power Projects'. Please see click here for an overview of this term's projects that relate to our first history topic: 'Roman Rule'.



Please click here for a brief summary of some of the learning that will be taking place in St John the Baptist class this term.


Banner with welcome back sign on colorful confetti background. Stock Vector  | Adobe Stock


Dear children, parents and carers,


Welcome back! 


We hope that you all enjoyed the summer break.


We are excited to start the new academic year and to get to know the children in St John the Baptist Class. We consider it a privilege to be their teachers this year and will strive to ensure that they achieve their best and feel safe, happy and ready to learn. We can already tell that the class is full of fantastic characters and feel certain that we are going to have a lot of fun as we journey through Year 4 together.


 Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns - we are looking forward to working together with you to support your child to flourish.


Please check this web page for regular updates on what the class are getting up to!


  We look forward to meeting you all and to a successful year ahead,


Miss Cross and Miss Walker